
The Secret of Soul Winning is unavailable, but you can change that!

The late legendary pastor Stephen Olford’s mid-twentieth century ministry classic returns to print in 2007 with extensive updates from his son David Olford, plus a previously unreleased foreword by the late Adrian Rogers and the original introduction from Billy Graham. Here, the Olfords relate many of their personal experiences with soul winning, offering time-tested practical advice on how to...

receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.)” Only as we believe in Him and allow Him to flow through us by His Spirit will men and women whom He is drawing to Himself respond. To the Spirit-led child of God, this will mean liberty, joy, and blessing in the work of personal evangelism. That evening I went home determined to cease trying and to start trusting. From that moment soul-winning for me has been different. Not only have I been delivered from shyness
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